How does the business in Denmark work

Nov 20, 2015 10:54

In this publication, please pay special attention to some of the below points for each of which there is a whole package of revealing documents, some of them will be made public in the nearest time, the others will be provided later.
a) No. 6 Cvr-nr: 19270599 - NORTH ATLANTIC INNOVATION GROUP A/S whereunder the grants of the statefund EUDP - Energiteknologisk udvikling og demonstration had been received in the amount of:
8,962,645.32 DKK
NAIG silicium project ( our 64011-0383) FASE 1
= 4,195,467.6 DKK
For that period we have proofs of falsification of payments to the developers as per FASE 1 in the amount of 3.084.800DKK .
EUDP-2012-II (angiv år) Journalnr.: 64012-0201Titel: Oprensning af silicium til solcelle formål FASE 2
= 4,767,177.56 DKK
Also, the grant in the amount 100,000 DKK by the State financial organization “The Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation”
b) No.4 DANICA GREENTECH ApS has received the grant from the governmental fund EUDP - - Silicium til solceller - opskalering og genbrug af sidestrømme Journalnr.: 64013-0505 Programområde: Solenergi Periode: 3/2014 - 9/2015 FASE 3
Støttebeløb: 9,209,000 DKK
Thus, using his own companies and intellectual developments of Ukrainian scientists, Mr. Peter Mietkiewicz Stagetorn Kolos has received the governmental financing in the form of grants for the total amount of 18,271,645.32 DKK
c) No.25 Cvr-nr: 31264685 - SWAN 1 ApS this is the company for which the СEO Peter Mietkiewicz Stagetorn Kolos has executed custom clearance documentation to receive the goods from Ukraine on 08th April 2013 “ A mobile experimental laboratory ” Total USD = 60,000.00 $ - this unique equipment further becomes the property of NORTH ATLANTIC INNOVATION GROUP A/S СEO Peter Mietkiewicz Stagetorn Kolos, and then using a procedure Under konkurs it becomes the property of Mr. Peter Mietkiewicz Stagetorn Kolos’s private company DANICA GREENTECH ApS СEO Peter Mietkiewicz Stagetorn Kolos (“liquidation price” -…60,000 DKK !!! The liquidation conditions imply the transfer of all scientific equipment and non-material assets of the company NORTH ATLANTIC INNOVATION GROUP A/S) Notably, the initiator of the bankruptcy procedure ( Under konkurs) is a private company of Peter Mietkiewicz Stagetorn Kolos - No.12 Cvr-nr: 17713175 - DANICA INVEST HOLDING ApS; СEO Peter Mietkiewicz Stagetorn Kolos which has provided a loan to its affiliate company NORTH ATLANTIC INNOVATION GROUP A/S СEO Peter Mietkiewicz Stagetorn Kolos
d) No.9 Cvr-nr: 25799224 - VOLGOTANKER MARINE SERVICES A/S - a subject involved in a major international financial scandal:
Information about the companies of Peter Mietkiewicz Stagetorn Kolos

Source: Erhvervsstyrelsen, Langelinie Allé 17, 2100 København Ø, CVR-nr 10150817. Alt materiale © copyright ERST 2005 Kontakt Om Opdateret: 01.09.2015 Telefon: 72 20 00 30
Navn: Peter Mietkiewicz Kolos Titel: Direktør
Adresse: Store Strandstræde 21 3 1255 København K
No.1 Cvr-nr: 19897486 - KOLOS A/S
Status Opløst efter konkurs
No.2 Reg-nr: A/S188209 - TEXT VISION A/S
Status Opløst efter konkurs
No.3Cvr-nr: 15693290 - INVEST AF 6. NOVEMBER 2006 A/S
Status Normal
No.5 Cvr-nr: 18490889 - DANICA ELECTRIC A/S
Status Opløst efter konkurs
No.6 Cvr-nr: 19270599 - NORTH ATLANTIC INNOVATION GROUP A/S (? ApS.)
Status Under konkurs
No.7 Cvr-nr: 19749886 - SELSKABET AF 20.2.2000 A/S
Status Opløst efter konkurs
No.8 Cvr-nr: 21653977 - IT-OPTIONS A/S
Status Opløst efter frivillig likvidation
Status Under konkurs
No.10 Cvr-nr: 12838476 - K.B. KØD ApS
Status Opløst efter fusion
No.11 Cvr-nr: 51474228 - DANICA FOOD. DENMARK ApS
Status Opløst efter erklæring
No.12 Cvr-nr: 17713175 - DANICA INVEST HOLDING ApS
Status Normal
No.13 Reg-nr: ApS232676 - KOLOS FOOD ALLIANCE ApS
Status Opløst efter konkurs
No.14 Cvr-nr: 19749991 - DANFOOD ApS
Status Tvangsopløst
No.15 Cvr-nr: 10015022 - DANICA VENTURE ApS
Status Tvangsopløst
No.16 Cvr-nr: 25799224 - VTMS ApS
Status Under konkurs
No.17 Cvr-nr: 25825071 - DANICA NETCOM ApS
Status Normal
No.18 Cvr-nr: 28326939 - HAPPY NATION ApS
Status Opløst efter erklæring
No.19 Cvr-nr: 29697027 - DANICA CAPITAL INVEST ApS
Status Opløst efter fusion
No.20 Cvr-nr: 30352149 - KK INVEST ApS
Status Normal
No.21 Cvr-nr: 30364740 - DANICA BYG ApS
Status Opløst efter fusion
No.22 Cvr-nr: 30490479 - TUEN 2007 ApS
Status Opløst efter konkurs
No.23 Cvr-nr: 30614542 - MYRETUEN 2007 ApS
Status Opløst efter konkurs
No.24 Cvr-nr: 30614585 - VIBY SJÆLLAND 2008 ApS
Status Normal
No.25 Cvr-nr: 31264685 - SWAN 1 ApS
Status Normal
No. 26 Cvr-nr: 72731212 - K. G. CATERING ApS
Status Opløst efter fusion
Please find attached the payment receipts accepted by the governmental fund EUDP - Energiteknologisk udvikling og demonstration from the company NORTH ATLANTIC INNOVATION GROUP ApS. (the hand marks are made by СEO Peter Mietkiewicz Stagetorn Kolos personally) for the amount of 3,084,800 DKK as acceptable financial documents.
Since no legal consequences for the businessman and СEO Peter Mietkiewicz Stagetorn Kolos followed, the conclusion is obvious:
“If you want to become rich at the account of the state of Denmark (and you are a citizen of this country), all you need is: an acquaintance in the Ministry of Energy + finance of EUDP fund, a research subject … and, which is the main point - to invent the job positions for the “future employees”, like “a physicist”, “a chemist” and Slavonic names (just the FIRST NAMES! No need for Last Names!)
And dozens of millions of Danish Krones which belong to Danish people will surely be given to you shortly … And then the familiar procedure - Under konkurs !!!
This is how the Danish-style business works

danica greentech aps, peter mietkiewicz stagetorn kolos, danica invest holding aps, eudp, denmark work

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