Jan 18, 2005 23:28
First of all, by not means did I do that for you.
On a more peronsal note, my life seems to be going better than ever. I have a great boyfriend that treats me better than I would have ever expected. My long weekend was GREAT since I was able to spend the entire time with him. I went home Thursday since I don't have classes on Friday. I had every intention of going home to do laundry, but instead Casey called and told me to come sledding with him and Ryan (his friend, not my old Ryan). So I decided to since is sounded fun. It was SOOO friggin cold. The hill was nothing but ice since it was once a little warmer to melt the snow and then freeze it. But it was fun. It was funny watching the stupid and retarted things that boys will do without thinking. Friday Casey, Ryan, Ryan's gf katie and Casey's roommates went to a bar in West Des Moines called Flannagans. It was fun. Casey almost got into a fight. It was all i could do to keep him from doing something stupid. Casey has the muscle, but I would never be able to sit there and watch him fight. I don't care if we haven't been dating that long, I still care.
Saturday, we went down to Milo and I saw his parents (3rd time now :) ) and even was able to see and hold his 2 month old nephew. He's a cutie. I can't believe his sister is 21, married and already has a kid. I can't imagine that. We also went to his grandma's house. She is such a fun older lady. She cracks me up every time I see her. She's a fireball! It's so funny. Then Saturday night we went to Miss Kitty's. Not as much fun as when I have all my girls there, but still a good time. Casey got into our first fight, but luckily all ended well. We had a much needed conversation, which ended fantasticly (if that is a word).
Sunday we went sledding again. Ryan got the bright idea to take his digital camera to the top of the hill and leave it there. Low and behold, it was stolen. Casey said, "Ryan, this isn't Lacona!" I thought it was funny. Then Casey and I went back to his house and we layed in bed from 4pm until we went to bed at midnight. It was great. He said he even thoroughly enjoyed it. Cuddling and talking...nothing better.
I wasn't ready to come back to Ames. But, I have to. I just keep thinking only 3 1/2 months left of Ames and the house. I love the house, but I'm ready to move on in my life. It takes up a lot of time and I'm ready for that to be over.
My 19 credits this semester is going to kill me. I spend so much time just doing my homework. I can't imagine what it is going to be like when I get deep into the classes.
Well that's enough rambling for one night. Love you all lots!