Sooooooooooooo....I don't have a Lex icon or a Michael Rosenbaum one or an Adam-Adina one and I feel the distinct lack of that right now.
So I read "Lavender" by Kat Reitz and Tzigane, which is a Smallville/Sorority Boys, Lex Luthor/Adam-Adina crossover. I KNOW both the characters are played by Michael Rosenbaum, k thanks.
You can find the fic here: MY GODDESS the magnificence of this fic! It grabbed me and sucked me in and it has worked its way into my top ten Favourites of EVER list. And since I can say I've read THOUSANDS of fics in about fifty fandoms...I can say I'm a expert at good fic-bad fic. And this dialed my 'gate so fast, so hard, that there are no words to express just how much I enjoyed it. If you like slash fic, if you like Lex, if you like Adina....any of these, give it a try.
I hope Kat Reitz and Tzigane don't mind me pimping out their fic. :P
Going to try and find a few Lexy-Michael-Adina icons, baby.