May 09, 2005 12:48
florida was absolutely amazing. it was so awesome to see ravi again after almost a year, and meeting his family and friends was great. they were so sweet and his parents are amazingly welcoming and i sort of want to be in their family now.
in the spirit of senior lampion, i share with you a list of memories from the past four years that will be considerably longer than the measly two lines that the senior lampion form provides:
-blarney the mean library dog who always barked at us
-aw crap days
-homeroom and daily bathroom trips with aboyd. bet you cant beat our lowest time!
-falling in the library, just because i know that someone else will mention it if i dont
-multiple choice spelling tests, courtesy of casement
-the launch of the peer logue
-aimless drives, walks, and perpetual hanging out, when it seemed like nothing could ever change
-a certain very fateful pro/con list in the peer logue (pertaining to a deer)
-hhsc '02 when me, ravi, and prashant first became close
-chem study halls once in four days with sketch, kev, lizzie, and aboyd
-lunch and walks with hibbard
-glass eyes kiddies
-sitting next to kids who were always stoned in math 3r
-john concert numero uno where me and elizabeth became friends after she got free yogurt
-lizzie throwing pretzels at the tv when ryan won the first bachelorette
-"what if he bes mean to her?"
-"tell me baby crow, cos i need to know"
-random talks with bhasser nearly every day
-being the oldest people in the theater at the lizzie mcguire movie
-hhsc '03 (where i met my nym, the six of us girls became friends, muktis, and my last year as a camper)
-the fake mouse in the cabin
-hearing prashant recount the story of jaitin walking into his shower stall
-ap bio lunch cramming with kevin and carrie
-bio complete with cheweth, j, mat, and knapisha the delightfully knappy cat
-baynes english
-meeting john mayer!
-kevin's random stories
-nyc music trip (where i first met turra!!)
-drivers ed with cheweth senior
-new york minute with the gang
-campout at julis!
-john concert #3, with maroon 5
-ravi staying at my house
-hhsc '04 with the five weekers
-india trip!!
-having the most hilarious/sucky interview in DC, but the best group ever
-having carli in lunch every so often
-elizabeth getting into colgate and kevin into chapel hill, both early.
-reuniting with aboyd
-every day phone calls with ravi from 10th grade onward. especially talking to him when things got really unpleasant
-things sucking until new years when nishi came here!
-realizing that although things were horrible there are certain people who will never leave your side
-physics with anna, without whom i would go insane
-OC nights
-hallway lunches
-calc with my favorite people
-hallway lunches
-talks with roopa/having so close by at UR
-hot man, and many other subliminal messages
-mcq dance
-hanging out with anjali and her crazy/very awesome friends
-jazz dinner dance
-moobin tibby
-naveen leaving me random wisdom when i had away messages up
-gym with the coolest girls in the world
-the truth about MA LADY!
-orchestra with mamata
-telling/listening to stories with sarah in orchestra because shes the coolest standpartner ever
-morning car rides with anjali and bryce and the eternally famous geetar and bryce's singing
-being a tvin
-being able to talk to prashant whenever things got tough
-asian pride month kickoff planning with susan ;)
-car rides and crewneck meetings with marier
-the neighborhood girls with whom i can talk about anything
-the weekend hangouts, stories, and histerical laughter with the people i couldnt imagine not being friends with.
-the secret to certain peoples' perfection
-excursions to pittsford to see priya
-"four bras for full ride!"
-phone calls with sketch
-spooky & mr warren, for they have become a part of me
-pictures in the logue/ reading it in myth, orchestra, and the hallway with aboyd
-being sanctioned with juli
-stetch's lunch stories
-kevins imitations and utter creatureliness
-clurr, her HURR and her bf in study hall
-phone calls with lizzie
-mornings with turra
-homeroom with the coolest people ever
-florida and promming with ruv my love
i never thought that senior year could be as awesome as it has been, particularly after the way things went earlier this school year. so thanks for the memories, you guys, i hope this isnt way too cheesy for you.