Aug 01, 2006 00:41
So, been a while since I've updated. Life's been pretty interesting, of late. It's been much of the following: swimming, gaming, dancing, drinking, and working. Not necessarily in that order. I'm getting used to having no fingernails. I figured it would be easier for learning guitar, which I'm trying to do on my own. Learning it out of a book r teh suxxorz. :P Oh well. Playing it is nice, even if'n I can't play anything really, yet. Just strumming chords is so pretty. I love the acoustic guitar. And I love how we got ours for five bucks. XD
Mrr. Swimming and basketball. So much fun. I'm loving the big groups that are going out on Thursday for swimming at OB. It's awesome. :) It's nice to be able to hang out with one's friends while suspended in H2O. ;D
Going to see Phantom on Friday... Gods, I can't wait. o.o It's gonna be so pretty! We're seeing it Friday night at the QET. So. Bloody. Awesome! :D We'll be coming back over early on Saturday if'n anybody is feeling crunk for anything. And Sunday I'll be able to come to game. ^^