The Weather Talk

Aug 18, 2010 20:48

Is it just me, or is the weather talk really boring, formal, fake and obligatory? I mean people can spend anywhere from 5-10 minutes (or more) just talking about the weather. I understand the hunormous impact weather has on our daily lives, but these conversations normally revolve around stating the super obvious, just a zillion times over, every single day. If it is good weather - then it is about how good it is but only for a few days/weeks, if it is too much sun - then it is complaining about that, if it is not sunny - then it is complaining about that, if it is rainy - then it is complaining about how it is impossible to do anything in such a weather. It seems like there is nothing the Weather God can possibly do to please us, except give us a perfectly banal topic for hallway discussions.

And don’t get me wrong, everything I condemn, I do. Well, not everything, but some things. It is easy to get in the rut of the ordinary and difficult to break a perfectly normal rhythm. I hate the very concept of small talk. But I do it, because I don’t know what else to say to a person while I wait for my coffee. I mean, what is the point of asking someone “what’s up” when you actually don’t care about the reply. In fact, according to me, a perfectly reasonable reply to that would be “unemployment.”

It’s sad that such a fake attribute of human personality is not just accepted, but is a norm. I want to break free!  The only time I will ask you “how your weekend was” is when I really want to know how it was, and not because I want to make fake conversation.
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