The whole world is spinning...

Dec 15, 2006 22:45

...unfortunately, its spinning in the opposite direction of my head. I is very dizzy. I blame life. And poor hemoglobin levels.

The past few months have been monstrously busy. I thought maybe it would slow down after the performances, but other things just came in to fill the gap. I ended up running myself down, and have been in a 3/4-useless state all week. Fortunately, I have a decent boss who has given me some leeway, even though we are swamped beyond anything at work.

I have no idea what's going on in the fandom world, even though I've been logging on long enough to help with tea_dumplins. Of course, I've forgotten to do half my posts these last couple of weeks -- like last night. (It's up now!) Between the three of us (Mik and Cleo are awesomely patient with me) we've been muddling through. Would be nice to have the chance to actually look at the works we're linking to, though.

Would be even nicer to have the chance to write something. I'm very much afraid that my writing days are over. Ideas may pop up, but I just don't have the opportunity to do them justice. I keep hoping that free time and brain energy will coincide, but it hasn't happened in months. Ack. The terribly busy season at work is supposed to die down by end of January -- and maybe I'll have the chance to be creative again. That would be lovely.

Much lovelier than being the person who answers the phone when disgruntled customers call. We've had a delay in the production of a big selling item, and though I'm not the one who dropped the ball (that lies entirely with the R&D guys) I am the one who gets the brunt of people's dissatisfaction. I try to pass it along to the right parties, but they just shrug. And leave me to come up with yet another excuse as to why the promised ship dates (there have been three now) come and go, with nothing going out. I sometimes think its not worth it, and then I think of the health insurance benefits, and I take a deep breath -- and vent at my sister.

And eat something I really shouldn't. Today, it was a really yummy Rocky Road Brownie, which I split with the aforementioned sister. She deserved it after the venting.

Eh, that's enough whining from me. Hope everyone is having a joyful holiday season, and that you all magically find the exact right gifts for those on your lists. :)
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