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Jun 28, 2005 13:00


Wow. The past few days have definitely been quite interesting.

Friday night at work was HILARIOUS. I wish I had my camera with me... one of the sprinkler heads in the kitchen definitely decided to bust... and the water went EVERYWHERE which meant that we had to close down for the night... yessss. Haha. that was very exciting. Saturday morning I was scheduled to work... but being that the fire marshall, safety inspector and food dude had to come clear it all so that we could open again... sadly we were closed for lunch. SHUCKS. a day off. Haha, so instead.. I went bra shopping. Something I so desperately needed to do.... then headed to Hooter with Lee and Zach only to embarrass the hell out of Lee...

Gosh that was fun. He had to dance and sing with the Hooters girls. Im sure he didn't mind. We told them it was his 19th birthday on monday... that was aweeeesommme. I fully enjoyed it. I captured 2 insanely funny pictures of him on his camera. After that, us 3 headed up to Cape Canaveral to do some Put Put golf... where I proceeded in kicking BOTH of their asses. Ha... I'm queen. :)

Just kidding. Then we stopped off at my Step dads where Lee and Zach got to meet him... haha... then came out the pictures. I will never live those down. Zach, you deserve a beat down.

After that we headed over to my wonderful friend Williams house where... everyone was already drunk. HILARIOUS. Quite the interesting time... lemmmmme tell ya. I believe Mallory and Susie enjoyed themselves.

My car was pissed on. Bastards.

But it was HILARIOUS

Sunday I worked. Yay. Haha. I wasn't much help in the kitchen I was definitely out of it. Eh, oh well.

Yesterday was awesome. Minus the rain. It was Lees birthday so me Lee and Zach went to Islands of Adventure to Celebrate. It was so much fun. Zach was drooling at all the boobs... Seriously... Being a teenage boy can't be healthy... nope.

Yeah, sitting in the pouring rain on Dr. Doom can't be all that healthy either. Hence... My sickness. So we were already wet previously that day from some water flume thing that Zach so desperately wanted to go on... and finally when we all started to dry off... yeah. It started pouring. Stupid me was like "its only rain... come on" so we're walking around... eh. Oh well. Its only rain. ... It stops raining Kind of... and we decide to ride Dr. Doom. We're waiting in line and I'm FREEZING my ass off... and over the intercom comes Dr. Doom himself telling us that the ride MAY temporarily shut down... But... the ride continues and the line still keeps moving. So... were standing outside the doors... and the doors open and it is POURING down rain... I'm thinking... Is this safe? eh... so we're sitting there.. and we make a new friend, because there are 3 of us... and four seats... yeah Shes freaking out about the rain so she asks to get off... and then we sit there.. seriously for 10 minutes getting DRENCHED. Then they say... "The ride is being stupid" ... so they move us to the other tower to ride that one... so we're in line... and we get on there... yay, we get to sit in the rain again... were all getting ready to go up.. and oh shoot. Lightning... FREAKING BITE ME.

We're all drenched by now. Happy Birthday. haha. So we sit out and wait for the rain to stop... and there was oooober amounts of lightning... but that eventually subsided and we had some more fun... and then we drove home. I... SUCK with directions. We got lost going there and home. I'm a freaking idiot. I am a better passenger. Haha. And, the pouring down rain didn't help any... at all. I couldn't see the lines on the road for anything, but we did arrive home safely where I took my temperature and had a fever. Surprise suprise. LOL, I hate being sick. But it was awesome.
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