Don't Drop the soap

May 24, 2005 18:52

Ah, Graduation is over and summer has begun.

What a relief. No stress.

My summer get away was... screwed over... But rescheduled. I'm going up to North Carolina with some friends In July. I can't freaking wait. We're gonna go up there I believe the week after my 18 birthday... B/C being a minor and going out of town... is the loser thing to do...

Not really. Yes, I know I need to lay off the crack.

Saturday was fun as hell. Even though is was freaking cold. Friday Night also kicked some ass. Michelle, Lee, Zach, Erika, and Ryan spent the night... and Jennifer, Camille and Liz stopped by. Zachary decided to sleep outside, and then broke out in some kind of rash that everyone at work assumed was the chicken pox, so they sent him home. Funny shit.

I coulda Killed Zach saturday morning when he woke up at freaking 730... Yeah, I could have beat the hell out of him, wayyy to much energy for anyones well being at 730 in the morning. SO, I migrated to my bed with Michelle and shut my door till I woke up at 1:18 to everyone gone, and Michelle talking to David on her phone saying she was hungry.

We amused each other for the day and did something, But I'm not sure what it was. My memory escapes me, But I remember Deanna being involved. SO Michelle went home, and Deanna headed to her house to so she could attempt to get some sleep. That didn't work well for her, so I headed over to her house so she could braid my long ass hair. That was fun.

So, we get to EG for Project graduation... and a friggen Police Dog stiffs our stuff. That was funny. I felt guilty, for no reason. Gosh. Then I went to Wet-n-Wild... fun stuff. I hung with Erika, Ryan and Michelle for the Majority of the time... and we caught up with Ted, Deanna, Jermaine and Krista everyonce in a while. Lemme tell ya, That H20 disco thing kicked some MAJOR ass. I freaking <3'ed it. A ++++ on that ride.

So, that night was eventful.. My door prize was a oil change... haha, funnyyyy cause I need some so desperately. :)

Sunday, I slept in pretty late... Got up and took a shower. Headed over to Pick Lee up and then headed over to Jennifers Partay, with her Indian Drum Tribe. Too bad I missed their "rest" in their van for 20 minutes. Mallory seemed to enjoy that. Haha.

After Jennifers party Lee and I headed over to Erikas with our Whip cream, Ready for the fight. I definitely Nailed Michelle right in the ear (sorry man, definitely wasn't aiming for that)... I love whip cream fights... Minus the smell and greasyness afterwards. The fight was successful. I totally nailed Lee many times, Erika too... and Will got me right in the eye. Bastard, You're going down. After the fight we all jumped in the pool and made it niceeee and cloudy. Haha, we smelled like baby formula. Hottt stuff, So then Me, Erika, Sherri and someone else too a shower to clean ourselves off... that pictures should be interesting. But that won't top the boy. Will, Lee and Alex took a shower together. Hilarious pictures... Pool Alex, I believe he dropped the soap. (Just check out the pics on myspace.)

SO, we headed out of there around 9 or so, and made a quick stop at Conchys and then went to Lees house and hung out outside for like, 2 hours. We just stood there and talked, and I got eaten alive by every damn mosquito in freaking Melbourne. Bastards. I'll remember to Spray 'Off' on me next time.

Lee left yesterday for 2 weeks... w t f. Hes in North Carolina, Meeting my family at the watering hole... Justtt kidding. I asked him to say hey to some of my family members for me, You know... cause all red neck families are related. haha, bite me.

So, Yesterday... Rachel and I joined the Y... Haha, Funnnn stuff. I ran a mile yesterday... Boy did that poop me out. I haven't done that since last year in Weight Training, and today we decided to take a boot camp class. I think it was more aerobics than anything, but It kicked my ass. Zach, is probably the least coordinated person I have ever met. But, he made that class bearable...

I believe I found muscles have been worked that I have never known about. OUCH. But, its all good. I'll have a nice body by the time summer ends. Thankkkkk God. :)

I ran a mile and a half today. And I wasn't all that tired... I'm proud. hahahaha.

I saw Monster in Law last night with Rachel. Freaking Loved that movie. It was cute as hell. Definitely a chick flick...

Now I'm here. My ass muscles hurt. Bad.

But its all good.

I love summer.

I'm missing a certain someone though. You should definitely come back early.
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