dragonlady981 So, I finished Eldest on Tuesday. I was extremely excited. I can't wait to start Brisingr. Of course I have to actually get the book first, but I added it to the list anyway. I hope to get it this weekend. I'm almost done with the Farscape S2 Companion. I brought it with me on the ferry today and I'm almost done finally. I actually think I'll try and finish it before I start Brisingr. Shouldn't be that hard.
Tara's Books To Be Read
Italicized = New additions to the list
Stargate Atlantis - Reliquary
Stargate Atlantis - The Chosen
Stargate Atlantis - Halcyon
Stargate Atlantis - Exogenesis
Stargate Atlantis - Entanglement
Stargate Atlantis - Casualties of War
Stargate Atlantis: The Illustrated Companion Season 3
Stargate SG-1: The Illustrated Companion Season 10 => In Progress
Farscape - House of Cards
Farscape - Dark Side of the Sun
Farscape - Ship of Ghosts
Farscape - Illustrated Companion Season 1
Farscape - Illustrated Companion Season 2 => In Progress
Farscape - Illustrated Companion Season 3
Farscape - Illustrated Companion Season 4
NY Mets - Pedro, Carlos & Carlos! and Omar
NY Mets - Tales From The Mets Dugout
Earthquakes in Human History
Volcanoes in Human History
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
The Race: The Complete True Story of How America Beat Russia to the Moon
So let's see here. I'm currently watching The Tudors. Yes, *gasp* I know!! So now you can be happy!
Well, it seems like Fall as finally set it. It's FREEZING!!! Can't go out without a jacket anymore. I like Fall up until it hits this time... the time where it starts getting colder instead of occasionally warming up. Sadly, now I must start hating it... because now it's officially leading up to winter and I'm DEFINITELY not ready for that... AT ALL!!
Hmm... ah yes... next weekend is the cheerleading Qualifier. We'll see how they do. They have to get above a certain placement and above a certain score in order to move on to the next Qualifier. They're getting better. We've been working on cleaning up their motions and transitions because that's the BIGGEST thing the judges have been seeing and making comments on. Hopefully it'll help. It's up in Springfield, MA so I'll be up there from Saturday afternoon til Sunday afternoon.
I had my first test for my class today. I think I did alright. I dunno. At least decent. I better have gotten at least a B. Though I think I did.
Dispatch training is going well. I have 83 hours in. The minimum is 80, but I'm not on the schedule until November 25th so I am doing at least 8 hours a week (split up as 4 one day and 4 another) so I don't forget everything I learned. Tonight I'm doing 10pm-2am so I can see the beginning of the midnight shift. The only good thing is I'll have a nice paycheck when I'm done training. I get minimum wage, but at the amount of hours I have already it'll still be nice. The only bad thing is I won't get it til I'm done training. So I probably won't get it til the end of November. That'll be good to have in reserve though. Just makes thing REALLY, REALLY tight until then. Especially since the projects I was doing are done. So now I have nothing to do during the day and no money coming in. I'm working in Westport tomorrow and I told Susan that my projects were done, so hopefully when she gets back from vacation she'll need me more. That would be really nice! We shall see. I'm still looking for other part time jobs though.
Well, I think that's it for now. I can't think of anything else to write about right now. I'm too distracted. LoL.
That is all.