Some answers for you

Mar 28, 2008 15:26

^ ladyireth

Alright, so I've finally had the time to sit down and think about how I was going to answer these questions. The questions are in response to this entry I made a few days ago.

I'll start off with
dvshipper's question:

"What is the one moment in your life that you think was your happiest?"

I think the happiest moment in my life so far was the day I found out Ian (my brother) was going to be okay after his accident. He'd gotten into a car accident (he was in the back, driver's side seat) and the car he was in spun around and the back quarterpanel, next to his head, hit a telephone pole.

I had been down at the firehouse (a typical Friday night) and I was waiting for him to call me because I was supposed to pick him up from work that night. He never called, so I called him a couple times and I was getting pissed because I wanted to go home. So I'm sitting around with everyone and we hear the EMS call come in for a car accident on the other side of town. I don't think anything of it at the time... why would I... but 20 minutes later my Dad calls me and tells me to come home because Ian's been in an accident.

To shorten this up, he's in the ER and we go down there. It looks horrible... we find out the next day he has a subdeural hematoma (bleeding in his brain) and the swelling isn't going down, so they're going to have to operate.

At this point I was back at school out on Long Island. The accident happened on a Friday and the semester was to start on Monday. So I had to go out that Sunday in the middle of a huge snow storm.

He ended up being in the hospital for a week and I found out around mid-week that the swelling was going down and he was going to make a full recovery. So I think that's definitely the happiest moment... finding out... after all that... that he was going to be alright.
I'll do
godzchild96's next:

" I'd like to know what you were like as a kid (like 12 and younger)."

As a kid I was definitely kinda crazy. Definitely a HUGE tomboy, but that happens when you grow up in a neighbor hood with 14 other kids and the only other girls are at least 6 years younger than you. I was the oldest, so of course had to keep an eye out for all the others. Though whether that was the parents doing or mine, I'm not too sure anymore. I kinda took responsibility for everyone. It definitely had me maturing a lot faster than I think I would have otherwise, but that's okay with me.

We had/have a stream in the backyard and I loved playing in it. We all did... so naturally I was always dirty. We made boats and ramps to jump our bikes across it. Of course I'd fall down... I was just as clumsy then as I am now... so I always had cuts and bruises and whatnot. Just a typical kid.

I was outside 99% of the time... unless it was rainy and cold, b/c usually we were outside even if it was raining. We used to play neighborhood baseball in mine and Scooter's yard and between Scoot and I we must have broken every window on that one side of his house at LEAST twice each (and there's 8 windows). So needless to say... not only was I always a dirty mess, but I was always in trouble. Nothing new.

I wasn't a bad kid though. I was definitely shy around people I didn't know (still am) and kinda unsure of myself outside of the neighborhood or my family. I didn't really like confrontations... still don't... and I usually avoided them when I could, but if you crossed me or one of my friends, I was right there. I definitely haven't lost that characteristic.

My best friend growing up was Scooter (my next door neighbor/brother) and in most ways he still is. He'll always be. We did absolutely everything together. It was rare that you found one of us without the other. And to this day people at the firehouse say we're gonna get married. And it's turned into people asking me where my husband is and instead of making a comment, I just answer. LoL.

This answer went a little away with itself here, but all in all I was kinda a mix between and introvert and an extrovert... kinda like now. I was always the oldest so I was always the more responsible and I was like the neighborhood mother. But I LOVED getting dirty and cut up and in to all sorts of trouble.
And last, but not least... of course... is
dannysgirlsg1's question:

"Who's you're alltime BFF (seriously, all joking aside, even if I'm pretty sure I know this answer) and why??"

This one's been giving me the most problems... I'm not too good with the whole actually expressing my feelings thing... I never know what to do... or say... and I always feel like I come off sounding like an unfeeling idiot... so I've been thinking about this for awhile... which doesn't mean I won't end up sounding like an idiot, but whatever.

And I think I'm gonna have to answer this one in 2 parts because there's really 2 people that I consider to be my all time BFF's. I can't possibly seperate them and choose one over the other. It's just not possible and I can't explain why.

I'll start with Pip. My dear, dear Pip. THe person I've known for 4 years and have only actually met in person once (soon to be twice). It actually seems like I've known her forever though. We have alot of the same interests and I mean alot. I never thought I'd meet someone that liked 90% of the same things I do. It's quite fun actually. And then there's that 10% leftover... the stuff we DON'T have a common interest in. Haha... that's quite fun as well though. Mwhahaha!

She actually took a chance and IMed me one day and we were talking and found out how much we really have in common. Of course I was hesitant at first. One because it was online and I dunno how many times I've had it drummed into me from both my parents about meeting people online and yadda. And two because I never know what to say to keep a conversation going with someone I just meet. My social skills are amazing! Plus I'm kinda insecure in that regard... I'm always worried I'll say the wrong thing and the person won't like me (HA not no more). SO I had a few hurdles of my own to jump there.

Ours is a strange relationship... just ask her... b/c let's face it... we're both strange... but that's neither here nor there... I feel like I can tell her anything... and I do mean anything... and she won't judge me... which is something I'm always worried about... even though I shouldn't worry about what other people think... I can't help it. She knows basically everything anyway. We can have whole conversations by saying 1 word... or nothing at all. We joke that I'm Jack and she's Daniel and if you know Stargate and know us, then we definitely are. She's my best friend and my confidant... Someone I know will always be there when I need her... whether it's just to remind me of something or to help me up when I'm having a shitty day. I can't imagine her not being in my life. It's hard to believe we haven't known each other that long, really, because I don't know what I'd do now if I couldn't tell her EVERYTHING... LoL. It would just be weird! Wouldn't feel right.

There's really not much more I can say. I honestly don't even know what I rambled on about up there to begin with. I kinda just kept going... writing what I was thinking. Though I warned you... expressing what I'm feeling isn't my strong suit. LoL.

The 2nd part to this would be Scooter (my neighbor/brother). I've known him since he was born. We basically did absolutely everything together because his mother was our babysitter. It was me, Scoot, my brother Ian, and Scoot's brother Stephen. I consider both Scoot and Stephen to be my brothers and Maurene a 2nd Mom/sister. There's really not much I can say except he's always been there. I can say and do anything around him and it doesn't phase him. We hang out, watch movies, drive around, go to baseball games (and now hockey), do nothing and it's fun. You really can't ever lose your childhood best friend. Especially when he's still right next door... just like it's been your whole life. That's why I couldn't leave him out of this answer.

And in the interest of not offending people... because I can't help myself... I'm still afraid I'm going to... damn the insecurities... I'm so grateful for all my friends... especially the ones I've met online. Never in a million years did I expect to meet people online who would become such close friends. It astounds me!


icon: ladyireth, ashley, mel, personal, meme, pip

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