May 19, 2009 09:39
So it was so hot in my apartment this weekend that I got nothing done, except a lot of shopping on Saturday. I bought boning and lacing ribbon, which has a place to insert boning...woot, and lots of fabric.
Last night I did a lot of work on the stays to make up for my laziness over the weekend. I ironed the interfacing into the inner layer. I cut out and sewed together the outer layer and have sewn in the first bone!. And the curved back seams went together much better this time, I'm very proud of myself for that. The fabric I got as the outer layer is a very sturdy white cotton with vertical ribbing which I like very much. The only problem is it frays..a LOT. On my test piece I was able to remove the stitches, with some effort put in of course, but that makes me worried that it may fray with time and the stays will be ruined. So tonight I have a LOT of work ahead of me, all of it boring! I need to iron the back of the outer layer, because I only ironed the inside but forgot to press it flat on the outside so it doesn't look as neatly done. After that I need to use my snips (very very very sharp mini scissors) to get rid of all the extra frays so they don't catch and pull. Then I have some no fray solution that I'll put along all the seamed edges. After wards I get to free hand over-sew stitch the seam (you know that ugly loopy looking stitch -- at least mine are ugly). This I look forward to the least because I can't sew at ALL. Bah! But after that I can put in more boning and start sewing the whole thing together! Yeah! Oh and I still need to do the shoulder straps -- I'm planning on sewing two layers of the heavy fabric together for strongest support and one the straps are turned wrong side in sewing the straps to the body of the stays. Rather than sew the straps to their layer of stay and having messy edges once it's all turned wrong sides together. And I haven't done any of the gussets yet...I'm avoiding those.
I took pictures so will try to remember to post them tonight!