incompetent bloody ants

Jun 08, 2008 17:30

There is a colony of ants somewhere in the region of my bedroom-probably under the floorboards. I’ve been letting them go about their business for a few days because god knows I’m never going to get round to picking up those crumbs. Whenever I knock on the table, they all panic and run around in circles. Not an efficient site evacuation; takes them ages to agree on any sort of direction and half of them start off by running towards the loud banging noise. I don’t know who is in charge of these ants, but he is doing a pisspoor job. I could lead my own army of ants against these guys in retaliation and, despite having no experience in ant strategy, and no knowledge of the landscape of Underneath My Floorboards, it would take me two hours max to lay siege to their territories and cut the neck of their queen.

I do not have my own army of ants, so I’m just starting at them. Sometimes going, “Food for the colony…”
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