"But this time, I mean it I'll let you know just how much you mean to me"

Jun 10, 2003 00:18

Every time I go to write about him I think " well maybe he'll call" Or " maybe that's a text message from him" & it never is. I use to be able to count on him & i would know it was him just cause it had been longer then like six hours since we had last talked. But no it's never him anymore, ever. & I know the fact that Im writing about this makes me selfish but for once im not caring... & I know being selffish is no good but this is hurtting my feelings & i need to vent. I wish things would go back, to how they were.

I hate the feeling of not knowing. What happened? To everything? Does everything ALWAYS fall apart? I thought i finally found someone I could trust. Thank God he started acting like this before I started trusting him. It's people like this that make me never want to trust anyone ever again, ever. I miss my friend... a lot.

We didn't even get a last movie night cause, fuck if i know. I've barely talked to the kid in over a week. God... i wish i could go on but I know i wouldn't stop if i did. Cause Im really hurt by it and I know it doesn't seem like that big of a deal but im hurt i really am. & it just shows that maybe he didn't care too much about me as a friend in the 1st place. Im sad. goodnight.
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