I had the craziest, most unbelievable weekend ever. Let’s start with Friday, shall we?
Okay, I slept over Jay’s Thursday night, because I didn’t have to be at work until Noon. We were doing a community service project with the Make A Wish Foundation, where we had to set up whiffle(?)ball fields for a tournament they had Saturday. They had us out in the 96-degree weather putting down tape and roping off diamonds, and it was ridiculously grueling work in the hot, hot sun. That’s okay though, because I got out of there at 3, at which point my car promptly overheated on the Sagtikos parkway. Of course, nobody was home, so I was sitting in my hot, hot car with no breeze or anything. Thankfully, one of the girls from work was behind me, and saw what happened. She turned around and asked me if I wanted a ride home. She took me home and I sat there waiting for Jay to get home from work so he could take me to pick up my car. We did that, and I picked Drew up from work so we could shop for food to bring with us to Warped Tour on Saturday. I slept over their house so Drew and I could get up nice and early.
Got up with Andrew to go to Warped, packed cooler, filled Jay’s gas tank (didn’t want to take my POS due to previous day’s complications) got to Warped tour, found out that we couldn’t get in since we hadn’t purchased our tickets in advance. For the first time I know of, the Warped Tour was sold the fuck out. Cried a little. Drove home. Andrew cheered me up. We took a ride out to Looney Tunes in Babylon to buy Fall Out Boy’s older albums, and I also bought Dane Cook’s new cd/dvd, Retaliation. We went to my house and went swimming, and waited for Jay to get out of work. When he finally got out, we went back to their house and listened to Dane and thought about buying tickets for Sunday’s Warped Tour in New Jersey, because Drew and I really, really wanted to go. We couldn’t find tickets on Ticketmaster, so we went to
Craig’s List. That site is quite possibly the coolest thing ever to hit the internet. Through Craig’s List, we found a WONDERFUL man named Joe who was selling his tickets because he couldn’t go. We agreed to meet at the venue on Sunday and exchange tickets for money, and such.
Joe met us at the venue and sold his tickets at very close to the normal gate price, so we were able to go. We got there way late, because the traffic was INSANE around the venue (like, we traveled 4 miles in 3 1/2 hours) and we met Joe there and got in and found out that we’d missed Fall Out Boy. Not only that, but we also found out that they would not be signing that day, so Andrew had taken his pick guard off his guitar for nothing. We were absolutely crushed. We got there in time to catch the second half of My Chemical Romance, and then we wandered around a bit and got to see Relient K.
Let me say here how FUCKING RIDICULOUSLY HOT it was. Andrew and I did our very best to stay hydrated, we drank SO MUCH WATER it was unbelievable. Even though we both had to drink at least a gallon of water each, we didn’t have to pee at all! That’s how dehydrated we were! We were sweating all day, and they had these shower thingies in the middle of the parking lot (which is what the venue was - a parking lot) where you could drench yourself in a shower and stand in front of a fan for a minute, to cool yourself off. We spent a fair amount of time under that particular canopy.
After Relient K the Offspring played, and before they started, people were throwing bottles that were empty, half-full and full over the crowd, hitting people on the head. I’m pretty short, so I didn’t get hit often, but Drew is 6’5”, and got hit with everything they threw. He put our backpack over his head so he wouldn’t get hit too badly with them, but the people behind us started making fun of him, so he just took it off and dealt with it. Once the music started playing, a mosh pit opened up to the right of me, and as I was looking in their direction to avoid getting punched in the face, a nearly full bottle of Gatorade hit me square in the mouth. First time I’ve seen the Offspring play since high school and I get my first fat lip. So my mouth is bleeding, and I’m surprised beyond belief, and the crowd is going INSANE so Drew helped get me the hell out of there, because my toes were getting crushed and I was wearing the backpack and without him, I was getting nowhere. We then enjoyed the rest of the offspring’s set from a safe distance. After that, we got ridiculously expensive food and stayed around to buy a cd for Jason, Motion City Soundtrack (we missed them play, too… damn traffic!) which he loves. After that we went home - we wanted to see Reggie and the Full Effect, but we were just way too tired to wait an hour and a half, especially since there was nobody interesting before they played or after. We tended to my lip on the way home, with ice and such. I got blood all over Drew’s Old Navy t-shirt. On the way home, Drew was nice enough to stay awake and keep me company, even though we both had gotten only 4 hours of sleep Saturday night. We concocted a lie to tell Jason about my fat lip, and it was my first successful lie (I am a HORRIBLE liar) and it only lasted a few seconds before Drew gave me a high-5 in congratulations for a job well-done. Jason liked the true story better. ;)
So I get up Monday all swollen and feeling hung-over, even though I got about 8 ½ hours of sleep Sunday night and didn’t drink at all. I called in to work, and went back to sleep. When I woke up, I read the book I bought the previous day, The Boy with the Thorn in His Side by Pete Wentz from Fall Out Boy. Well, he’s a good lyricist, anyway. :x
Jason went off to work and Andrew and I hung out until he got out. We all met at my house to watch Kung Fu Hustle (I LOVED IT) and the dryer won’t work without tripping the breakers? I think that’s the terminology. I keep having to go outside to turn my electricity back on because the dryer is ridiculous.
So I go to work today, and they tell me my permanent employment starts Monday, 8/22. I know what I’m making (YAY) and I start making that Monday. I get home today for lunch, poor and with almost no gas in my car, I check the mail and I got my check for jury duty today! So I have $200 that I’ve been really needing, and I can put gas in my car and Jason’s truck and I can buy shampoo and eat and LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL.
[edit]OH! and how could I forget?! My Kitten, Dottie, got taken to the vet today to get fixed. We found out that she's actually a he. HAHAHAHA. So we have a boy cat named Dottie, and now we're not sure what Oreo is... It's entirely possible that Oreo is actually a she. So Dottie-boy. Oreo-no idea. Snuggles-boy.
Very interesting stuff.
Also, my grandparents invited me on vacation with my brother and sister-I still haven't told Jason yet, but I'm sure he'll be happy if I go. :)[/edit]
And my lip hurts. :^(