xbluedawn 1. How did you come to Germany? Would you have gone to a different country instead?
I DID choose a different country, but ended up here anyway. My original plan was to go to the UK, I had a job lined up but it didnt work out. Since I got my work visa, I plan on going there after. I was speaking with many families online about being their nanny...and I ended up liking the German family best. Plus, I wanted cultural experience and figured Germany is probably a lot culturally different than England.
2. Do you have any pet peeves?
I don't like it when people crack their knuckles. I also don't like it when they chew their nails. Though, chewing their nails has more to do with how dirty they are and the fact they are sucking on pretty much everything they've touched that day. If they washed their hands first I wouldn't mind :)
3. Is there a celebrity that you absolutely cannot stand? If so, who and why?
Not really. I am not huge in to celebrities, to be honest. I never watch TV, and rarely watch movies. I guess, if you call him a celebrity, I can't stand Gordon Campbell.
4. Do you have any guilty pleasures?
Does candy count? I eat so much I think I might have diabetes by the time I am 30. ;)
Ohhh, and I really enjoy watching men in lederhosen. *blushes*
5. If your life was a movie, what would the genre be? Why?
A dramatic indie-flick most likely. I am weird enough that it would be indie, and somehow I attract drama, even though I can't stand it. Hopefully there'd be some comedy in there too :)