Boredom strikes. I don't feel like writing about life, so here are some memes! :D
Tagged by
xbluedawn1. People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blog and replace any question that they dislike with a new, original question.
2. Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.
Not tagging anyone specific...
1. Make a list of 5 things you can see without getting up.
-Hiking backpack
-$20 worth of candy to bring home
-Hot water bottle
-Clothes all over my floor
2. How do you style your hair?
90% of the time, it is in a pony tail. I made a bet with my sister, and I am not allowed to cut my hair until I move home.
3. What are you wearing now?
Green "surface boardshop" shirt from VV, Plaid brown skinny jeans from Pimkie
4. What's your occupation?
Au Pair
5. The best thing to happen of you as late?
This question should probably say "the best thing to happen to you as of late" I am going to say, the sun has been shining for the first time it what seems like forever, and that is WONDERFUL!
6. What is one word you would use to describe yourself?
7. What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
Twilight. I thought it was rediculous when everyone was OMG'ing over it, but I am reading the books now and think they are great.
8. What's the last thing you ate today?
Pfirsichringe...umm, like candy rings
9. What song best describes you?
I have NO idea. Story of a girl? haha. Joking.
10. What websites do you visit when you go online?
Postsecret, Livejournal, Facebook, Hotmail...
11. What's the last thing you bought?
Gifts to bring home. Well, technically I guess I bought my train ticket.
12. What are you listening to now?
A baby crying (yay it's not my responsibility!)
13. What do you think about before you go to bed?
I usually recap my day, or think of someone I miss, or am listening to music...
14. What was the last CD you bought?
Wir sind helden
15. What is your favorite weather and why?
Sunny is my favourite, but it can't be above 28 celsius, or humid, otherwise I die. I also love the rain, and miss the coastal weather.
16. If you could play any musical instrument, which one would you play?
When I want to learn one, I try. I think bagpipes would be AMAZING, however I have yet to get my hands on some.
17. How are you?
Quite good.
18. What's something you'd like to say to someone right now?
I am ready to give up.
19. What's one of your favorite movies?
Breakfast at Tiffany's :)
AND, now for one stolen from
formyed 1. You have 10 dollars and need to buy snacks at a gas station:
- Doritos, Sour Keys, Vitamin water, Gum...although, it all depends on my mood.
2.If you were reincarnated as a sea creature, what would you want to be?
-- I would be a NUDIBRANCH, because they are AMAZING.
3.Who's your favorite redhead?
-- It's a toss up between Marlene and Jamie.
4.What do you order when you're at IHOP?
-- I have only been to iHop twice in my whole life...the last time was in March a year ago...I think I got pancakes with strawberries.
5.Last book you read?
-- Almost done Twilight (just the first book, not the whole series), the last one I finished was Into The Wild
6. Describe your mood.
-- Lazy :)
7. Describe the last time you were injured?
-- "Seriously" injured, would be November when I hurt my ankle...otherwise, I woke up with a bunch of random bruises last weekend.
8. Of all your friends, who would you want to be stuck in a well with?
-- Semi-stealing this answer, haha.
scar_let_kiss. She's strong and tall. That and I think we would make a good team, and not drive each other nuts.
9. Rock concert or symphony?
-- ROCK CONCERT. SO stoked for this 3 day fest in June!
10. What is the wallpaper of your cell phone?
-- Raspberries.
11. Favorite Soda?
-- I don't really like POP anymore, but it used to be Root Beer or Cream Soda.
12. What type of shirt are you wearing?
-- Green t-shirt that cost me $0.50! woohoo!
13. If you could only use one form of transportation:
-- Sailboat...walking when not on the water...
14. Most recent movie you have watched in theatres?
-- Zach and Miri make a Porno. I watched it with my sister before I left for germany.
15. Name an actor/actress/singer you have had the hots for:
-- JTT! haha.
16. Whats your favorite kind of cake?
-- I prefer Pie, but that rainbow Betty Crocker cake is pretty good :P
17. What did you have for dinner last night?
-- KRAPFEN! hahah, I had two minutes until the store closed and they had packed everything up except this cake and Krapfenm (jelly filled doughnuts) and I didn't know how to say teh cake in German, so I ate a donut. Horrible.
18. Look to your left, what do you see?
-- Candy..and my desk.
19.Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
-- Not if I don't have to.
20. Favorite toy as a child?
-- My Zeddy Bear
21. Do you buy your own groceries?
-- Negative.
22. Do you think people talk about you behind your back?
-- Sure, why wouldn't they? I'm awesome! :P
24. What's your favorite fruit?
-- Strawberries are pretty yummy.
25. Do you have a picture of yourself doing a cartwheel?
-- I don't believe so. I have never felt the urge to say "hey! take a picture of me doing a cartwheel!"
26. Do you like running long distances?
-- I used to. Then it got icy and I thought I was going to die. Long distances = no more than 5km though...'cause I am out of shape)
27.Have you ever eaten snow?
Of course. Just earlier this week, actually.
28. What color are your bedsheets?
Hah, right now, it is purple. IT, because they only use the bottom sheet here...and then havae these covers for their blankets that get changed.
29. Whats your favorite flower?
I really like Orchids, and Lillies.
30.Do you do ballet?
Nobody needs to witness me in a leotard. That is horrible.
31. Do you listen to classical music?
32. What is the 1st TV Theme song that pops in your head?
Sesame Street. We were talking about it yesterday - the german version though.
33. Do you watch Spongebob?
Negative. I have seen a couple epi's though.
34. What temperature is it outside right now?
No idea, I am rpetty sure it got to almost 10 today! and it hasn't been above 2 since I got here!
35. Do people consider you smart?
Book smart, yeah I think so. Only because I pull out random stupid facts, and do math in my head.
36. How many piercings do you have?
I was up to seven, now I have six.
37.Are you signed on AIM?
MSN, yes.
38.Have you ever tried gluing your fingers together?
39. How do you feel about your family?
I miss them!
40.Do you have an iPod?
Sure do, an iPod Touch...
41.What time do you go to bed?
On weekends, anywhere between midnight and 6am, on weeknights, usually by 11pm.
42. What CD is currently in your CD player?
I don't have a CD player :P
43.What movie do you know every line to?
Billy Madison
44.What is your favorite salad dressing?
Lighthouse Caesar Dressing :)
45.What do you want for Christmas this year?
Someone to come visit me.
46.What family member/friend lives the farthest from you? Where?
Hmm, I think Canada is on almost the exact opposite side of the world, so, all my family and most of my friends ;)
47.Do you like hugs?
Good ones, yes.
48.Last time you had butterflies in your stomach?
Last week.
49.Whats the way people most often mispronounce any part of your name?
They don't...
50.Last person you hugged? Sarah, and then she rode past me on her pushy and kicked me. How rude.