... Insert the rest of my review where I go "Brittany! 8D" "Santana! O_O" "Brittany! ^_^" "Santana! D:" "Brittany! :O" "Santana! ;~;"
I dunno why I'm so amazed over this episode, since they always alluded to Santana having bisexual tendencies. I guess since she more or less finally came to terms with it, it was rather heart-warming. And heart-wrenching when Brittany told her she despite sharing the same feelings, she can't hurt Artie.
I'm actually proud of Brittany for knowing it would be wrong to hurt Artie when she still loves him. I hate the whole hooking up in one episode, and then breaking up in the following plot device. It's getting to the point where almost everyone has dated each other. So I'm glad that this relationship doesn't seem like it's going that way just yet.
Oh this show; how I enjoy you.