(no subject)

Jun 01, 2005 18:16

Oh god, I've been away forever. Ok, I only have like 5 mins to write this,so Imma leave most of it out. I was at the hospital again, yes I know what you're thinking. But I'm never ever going back again. Anyway, during our family meeting my mom and bro were big time bitches like 'no cell phone, no internet, no friends'. Boo them. But I said 'Fine..I can deal with that.' so yeah I've been the loneliest little bitch in the world. Anyway, I still don't have internet back and probably won't have it back for a long time. Well, I don't know. I will have it if I decide to move in with my dad. Anyway, I gotta go..but one more thing:

I'm really really angry right now. Because a certain condiment is going to show up at a certain festivity that I'm going to and I'm not happy. I've talked to many people about it and they all say the same thing: IT'S NOT FAIR TO YOU. SPEAK UP FOR YOURSELF. But that's not like me, of course..so yeah..I suck.

Anyway, I got kissed by very old very large man the other day. VERY DISTURBING. I went to gay downtown Ann Arbor with two friends of mine, Sam and Jesse. And we went to the AUT BAR. That was fun! Well...till that happened. I was outside of the aut bar when this guy propositioned me. Is that what it's called? I don't know..but he was like asking me to suck his dick for money and he was saying how hot I am. And Sam and Jesse were just dying laughing. I was like 'hELP GUYS!!' Then, that fat old geiser fucking kissed me! Ewwwwwie!!! Gawd...so finally Sam and Jesse interfered and got me away from him. Gawd, old gay men can be nasty. But all the other gay guys were cool. So I had a fun time. Man, did I NEED to get out of the house.

Well, I've really got to go this time. bye guys!

P.S. I love you Jayke, sorry I haven't been around!
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