Jan 20, 2008 13:11
So I guess it's time for an update since it's been forever since I last wrote on here. 2007 has come and gone and I believe that 2008 is going to be a year of many great things for my family and I.
I finished off the year at my school where I had been since September teaching Gr. 7/8 French Immersion which I really loved. I miss the kids every day and wish that I could go back there! They were sooo sweet and on my last day during our Christmas dance they presented me with the cutest bouquet of fake flowers and a whole bunch of presents (enough that our tree was FULL before we put any of our family's gifts under there). Hopefully some day I will be able to return there. The students were amazing and the staff was the best!I really miss it there!
My dad and I both got new jobs in the New Year. My dad back at his former job which he absolutely loved but had to take a package years ago due to downsizing and myself I am teaching closer to home now from January until the end of the year. It saves me about 40 minutes a day in driving which is amazing! I have so much more free time to go to the gym and get things done it's great!
I've been able to meet up with so many old friends now that I work closer to home which has been a really nice thing. I think this is going to be the year where I'm finally ready to step into the real world and leave those "friends" that really aren't that close to me, or those that aren't the greatest of friends. I am glad I still have those close true friends but now see there are quite a few people I would rather not associate with now, and unfortunately some I wish I saw more but they live too far away. Hopefully I will still be able to keep in touch with them so that we can meet up whenever we have free time! (Heather and Katie, if you're reading this we need to get together sometime!)
That's about all I can think of right now!