Dec 13, 2003 14:17
Diana slept over my house last night and we both slept on the air mattress in the living room. I saw Finding Nemo and it was sooo cute. I want a clown fish now, and I want it to have a tiny little fin like Nemo does. I will name it Fabio, but call it Nemo.
Right now we are watching The Goonies..its the best movie of all time..the Chinese kid is great.....if only we could understand what he says half the time......."I been saved by my pinchers of power!" (?!)
I burned myself 2 more time since the dry ice was by a hot glue gun on my right ring finger....that happened yesterday at work.....and then today i lit a match, but i did it super slow for some reason, and it just exploded on my left im gunna be all burned up soon you wont even be able to recognize me. At least there are no burns on my butt :)