Oct 17, 2005 16:19

Well this weekend went from smably to amazing. Friday night was...shambly. Then on Saturday Lex, Mollz, and I went to UNH to see Dane Cook with Erica and Brian so that was good. We waited for like over an hour in the rain and smoked swishers under our sweet umbrella tent. That was pretty sweet. Oh yeah and um Dane Cook is hilarious. Then you know we ended up in a basement of some sketchy frat. Always good. Then we watched the last five minutes of The Village even though Molly did NOT want to watch a movie. Then I don't even know. We got back around 2 yesterday and Lex and I went to Kristin's for a sweet swim team poster making party. Good thing Alexa sneezed like 25729348572345 times and was crying because cats make her cry. It was kind of sad. aww. Today sucked. I'm so tired...my thyroid is like malfunctioning without its meds. Pretty shambly. Now I have to work which is lame. But at least I'll get some homework done. yeahh. Homecoming is Saturday. I don't know if I'm going or not yet. I don't because it's just paying 5 dollars to listen to shitty music. But I do because it's our last one. mehwhatever.
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