[DutifullyDuncan: [can i ask you why you added antony before you added duncan. and if you knew duncan and tara were best friends?]
tara palmer 69: [no i didnt know that until you told me, and i added people at random when i came accross their journals]
DutifullyDuncan: [why are you playing tara, then?]
tara palmer 69: [why shouldnt i?]
DutifullyDuncan: [because to play someone like her, shouldn't you know something about her relationships and friendships?]
tara palmer 69: [it's only a game, and anyway most celebs were taken and im doing it for fun.. isnt that okay?]
DutifullyDuncan: [a game that involves at least a tiny bit of research. not to me, really. play someone you know something about, love.]
tara palmer 69: [you take this way too seriously. no im not gonna give this up just because youve told me to, thats ridiculous]
tara palmer 69: [anyway, its not as if adam and duncan are together in real life so stop getting all worked up about reality]
DutifullyDuncan: [i don't take it seriously at all. i just don't understand playing someone with no research or background at all!]
tara palmer 69: [i repeat, duncan and adam are not together]
DutifullyDuncan: [I'm not telling you to give it up. I'm telling you to do some research if you want anyone to bother with you. The storylines don't matter in MBP, but it confused me why you would add Antony before Duncan, considering they are best friends. And, oh, really, you think? Sheesh.]
tara palmer 69: [anyone to bother with me? believe me, there are a lot of nice people who im getting to know on there. dont generalise, not everyone feels the same as you do.]
DutifullyDuncan: [I find it inherently lazy not to do basic background checking if you want to roleplay...]
I don't know why I've let this make me feel bad but I have, and I give up. I've met some great people on here,
_sarahbrightman to name one, but I've let this upset me and with everything going on in real life right now I really don't need to be getting upset over sad little pricks who don't even know who I am but decide to patronise me and make me feel like shit. I don't know why I'm so upset about this, but I am.