Title: Intertwined (part 4 of the AngelicTaraLindsey!verse. .)

Jan 21, 2005 14:43

Title: Intertwined (part 4 of the AngelicTaraLindsey!verse. .)

Rating: NC-17

Pairing: Lindsey/Tara/Spike

Notes: there is some male slash in this. This ficlit didn't turn out hardcoreporny, since I didn't feel like going that way, but there is a bit of smut to make ya happy, lol. This is part 4 of the angelicTaraLindsey!verse. Sorry sorry for taking so long, I was definitely museless and I apologize, but I didn't know how I wanted to go, but I finally got it done today and it's more than just a drabble! So please please comment, or else there won't be more.

Summary: Lindsey finally learns some truth about Tara. Lindsey and Tara find out about what happened after Sunnydale with Spike and they all learn a bit about each other. Soon they become a trio... find a place in each other. Meant to be. Oh, and there's finally some smut for you people! Tara's wings finally gets seen by not only Lindsey, but Spike too. Nothing like wing lovin' people.
Notes: there is some male slash in this. Yes, finally a bit of smut, I know you've been waiting for it! lol.

Feedback: kitanalove59us@yahoo.com or whipsandchainsbtvs@yahoo.com

Disclaimer: the boys and Tara are joss' and the lyrics belong to Dashboard Confessional.


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