Title: Your Eternal Sin
Chapter: The Place I Call Home
Author: Nora [
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel the Series
Characters/Pairing: VampTara/VampLindsey, Angel
Prompt: 7 - Pride
Big Damn Table: [
Word Count: 1638
Rating: NC- 17
strangecreature, whom I’m forever indebted to
Disclaimer: I don’t own them - I wish I did - Joss is apparently god. I’m just borrowing them for my own amusement and your entertainment.
Author's Notes: If you like Lindsey/Angel I think you’ll like this chapter; I had way too much fun writing the two together. This chapter is for Meg; I couldn’t not end my wicked little tale without the bane of Lindsey’s existence.
Wow, my little series has come to an end. I have to say I’m a little sad about it, but there’s always another time and another place. It’s been a really long time since I’ve done a full fledged fic and finished it. Thank you for all the feedback and encouragement for this piece.
Nothing as sweet as vengeance...