I am a housewife

May 05, 2010 05:10

It's not 100% true. I work a supposedly 16-hour shift on Sundays. That I normally show up at least 2 hours late for. But the point is, I don't have an excuse not to blog.

I painted for the first time in MONTHS tonight. It was the 2nd time I'd painted since I got married. It's hideous, but Hubbs will LOVE it.

Because I have, in my humble opinion, THE GREATEST HUSBAND EVER.

Por ejemplo (it's Cinco de Mayo, dontcha know), I just texted him a cute story about something sude a friend's husband said to her. I started with a disclaimer that I WASN'T "comparing". We have a rule against "comparing", in our family. Anyway, this friend has had 3 children, kinehara, and her Husband told her that girls are supposed to be soft, and that's what makes her a girl, and he loves it. And then he brought her cookies. All I wanted was an "awww! so cute." But Hubbs felt STUCK. I have not had 3 children (or 2, or 1). Does he still get to say he loves that I'm soft, or is that offensive and going to get him in trouble? If he doesn't say he loves that I'm soft, is that going to give me a complex for the rest of my life after I have a child? If he says nothing at all, is that getting him in trouble too?? He tells the rest of the hospital staff about his dilemma (Hubbs = Murse) and they laaaaaugh at him. But he comes out with "I looooooove every part of you :)". *Sigh*

Hubbs works all nighters. As a family, we're still adjusting to this 6mos later. So far, I stay up all night and get wifely duties done around the house, and then nap with him during the day. That worked when it was wintertime, and I had no qualms about hibernating. But now... it's nice out during the day! I meant to try out 1/2 a night's sleep tonight but that clearly didn't end up happening. I'm going to class at Machon Chana at 8:30a, come home at, say, 12? And then I'll nap with Hubbs till he gets up for dinner/work...

Then it's girls night! It's been awhile. We're going bowling for a friend's birthday. Possibly margarita pre-gaming. This could be disastrous. I'm optimistic.

Ok, ok. On that note, it's nap time till class. Wish me luck, and hopefully I'll write again soon.
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