Jan 27, 2010 08:34
Last Friday was Lou's Fun Run at school so my mom came over. Right when she got here we noticed that one of our pipes in our house burst and water was soaking our carpet in the living room as well as pouring out of the back of our house. I initially freaked out since I am a relatively new home owner (2 years now) and this is the first true emergency that has happened here. Luckily my dad owns a property management company so he sent his plumber over and hooked us up. I then called a guy to come suck the water out of our carpet as well as clean them. Ever since then it has been a complete house detox. Our house is so clean and I am actually cleaning the house where it needs to be cleaned everyday. I am really proud of myself and you would not believe how much stress has been lifted out of my life just by having a squeaky clean home.
Also, Lou ran 15 laps non stop at her Fun Run. I was afraid that she was going to cry and not run at all but she did so well! She raised a bunch of money for her school as well and she is very proud of herself. :)