Jul 06, 2006 08:16
Got the letter "T" from Buenagirl, so here it goes...finally....
Tea: Next best drink to coffee!
Tannens: Those pesky things in tea and red wine that make you feel weird.
Terrified: of what my life will be like after school is done.
Thirty Nine: That's how old I will be turning this year. I'm getting so old - too close to 40!
Thursday: Today's day.
Treasure: My son and husband.
Telephone: My mom disconnected her telephone because she didn't want to pay $20/mth so now I have to call her friend to get in contact with her. Funny, I called her friend around 4pm yesterday and I STILL haven't heard from her. Yeeeeah, that's gonna work out real well there mom. You are so smart. :P
Thunder: I dreamed of thunder last night and fireworks too. What was that about?
Tacos: tastey Mexican food that I haven't had in a long time!
Tsering: Name of my lama who I miss and can't wait to see in August when she comes to visit from Brasil!