bored and mad as hell

Oct 29, 2005 10:27

[x] Name: Tara
[x] Nicknames:Hillier, Lil "Z"
[x] Screen name: Tara083188
[x] Sex: girl
[x] birthday: August 31
[x] Height: 5'3
[x] Hair color: brown
[x] Is your hair long or short: long
[x] Eye color: blue
[x] City born in: muskegon
[x] Location now: Skee
[x] Siblings: kendra tommy and andy
[x] Parents married/divorced: seperate...never were married
[x] Who are your closest friends: tina april ashley shane' max
[x] Who makes you laugh the most?: everyone
[x] Who knows the most about you?: tina

--> c r u s h i n . . .
[x] Pre-School:
[x] Kindergarten:
[x] 1st Grade:
[x] 2nd Grade:
[x] 3rd Grade:
[x] 4th Grade: craig and brett (shores)
[x] 5th Grade: craig (shores)
[x] 6th Grade: andrew (shores)
[x] 7th Grade: andrew(shores)
[x] 8th Grade: ben tim
[x] 9th Grade: will
[x] 10th Grade: will
[x] 11th Grade: adam
[x] 12th Grade: adam

--> o t h e r .
[x] Do you have a job: nope
[x] What are you scared of: dying
[x] Most interesting thing you've done this summer: ALOT
[x] What store do you shop at the most: wet seal
[x] Have you ever done any drugs: yeah
[x] Do you collect anything: i dont really know
[x] Are you a ditz: sometimes

--> f a v o r i t e s .
[x] Day of the week: Fridays
[x] Thing in your room: bed
[x] Cousin: Leroy
[x] CD: mixed cd's
[x] Song(s): Lovers and friends (girl version)
[x] Animal: monkey
[x] Ice cream: strawberry cheesecake
[x] Drink: coke
[x] Thing to do: party
[x] Movies of all time: save the last dance, Ladder 49
[x] Hangout: my room
[x] Pizza topping: pepporoni

--> r a n d o m .
[x] Where do you see yourself in 10 years: married....hopefully a good payin job
[x] If you could live anywhere: Virgin Islands
[x] Dream house: big
[x] What age do you want to get married: between 21 and 26
[x] How many kids do you want: 2 or 3
[x] Girl's names: Rosemary, Icyanna
[x] Boy's names:dont really know
--> h a v e y o u e v e r .
[x] Been in love?: yessssss
[x] Lied?: who hasnt...honestly
[x] Cheated on a test?: yea
[x] Cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend?: nope
[x] Tied your shoes together?: no
[x] Eaten something with a lot of fat?:yeah

--> f e e l i n g s .
[x] Worst Feeling in the world: unloved.. alone
[x] Best feeling in the world: cuddling up w/ someone who is in love with you
[x] Can you define love?: there is no definition
[x] Do you get along with your parents?: hell no i hate both of them
[x] Are you ticklish?: yeah in some spots
[x] Where?: legs, side

--> o p p o s i t e s e x .
[x] 1st thing you notice about the opposite sex: eyes, booty, and what kind of pants
[x] Perfect "dream" date: nice meal, go out on the town and just enjoy ourselves.. sit out by the beach and just talk..
[x] What do you look for in the opposite sex?: style, sense of humor, respectful.. easy to get along with.. outgoing..
[x] What does the opposite sex not know about you?: i donno

--> n i g h t t i m e .
[x] What do you wear to bed: pajamas
[x] What's your bed time: on weekdays around 11 weekends whenever
[x] Do you wish on stars: no
[x] Is there a TV in your room: no
[x] What's the last thing you do before you fall asleep: look @ the clock or my phone
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