Dec 01, 2004 02:01
Where do we come from ? Secondly where do we go when the brain dies ?
Two questions i have been pondering over for many years. And i have a few ideas.
Firstly Energy according to the thermodynamic laws cannot be created nor destroyed.
Where did the Energy come from ? The big bang is likely.
Therefore this leads to the question of who or what created the universe.
I ask this question because for all we know there could be many dimensions and other universes besides our own.
This leads to the question is there a "God".
My answer to that is yes. Though in my view it is not the God that Human beings have created.
It's true that God may well have spoken through prophets to the Jewish people, which lead to other religions.
However as with anything man touches, no matter how good the intentions are. Somebody will always put their own spin on events.
And books like the bible have been mistranlated and abused by the Catholic church since it's foundation.
Now onto where we come from ?
Could there be one big intelligent collective mind in the Universe. From where we all come ?
It's not beyond the realms of reality. We know very little about this world or the universe beyond the basic science.
This also leads to the question are we alone in the Universe. If not then we could all sprout from the same big collective mind.
If not then we are no more than energy being transferred from one thing to another.
I believe there is some kind of collective mind. The basic biology of life is amazing.
God if he/she exisists will have therefore created this collective mind and so choses those souls who will have life.
On this world or somewhere else.
It's also logical that God will chose when to terminate those souls existance on the materialistic plane.
We are formed from Energy, therefore we are atomic in nature. Due to the nature of Carbon.
We are carbon based lifeforms. It's conciveble that silicon based lifeforms may exist elsewhere.
Give life a chance and like a plague of boils it will cover the face of planet it finds itself on.
I also think as the discworld novels have pointed out is very likely.
That is a person will goto hell if he/she believes she is going there, or to heaven.
It's also possible that like in the Discworld novels, once people stop believing in a god it loses it's power and dies.
Though this is not a new idea. I also think there is a thing called Death. Which acts an agent of whichever force choses those who live and those who die.
So to sum up i am a complete loon. Or i could be right. Far more deluded things have happend.
I accpet death now. It is part of the cycle that goes on. Nothing and i mean nothing can stop death.
Eventually people who have their DNA changed so that will live longer will die. Because as with any mutation of the chromosone it can trigger cells to not kill themselves and turn into cancerous cells or some new genetic disease.
I don't think anyone has the right to extend on how long they live for, by tampering with whats already there. However curing diseases should be allowed to go ahead.
Though this may in fact stop evolution in it's tracks and cause us as a species to die off.
I am all for stem cell research, just that caution should be used in the tampering of DNA. We may think we know how DNA works.
But for all we know it could have a mind of it's own. One action leads to ethier a good thing or a very very bad thing.
Caution with Science. But not to the point that the Pope gets to say the Earth is flat and that the Earth is the centre of the universe.