Nov 04, 2012 22:09
Name: Dr. William Zimmerman
Alias: Will, Sherlock, William
Job: forensic psychiatrist to Dr. Magnus’s team
Birthday: June 21st (during the summer solstice)
Age: 27
Parents: Mary Ann Zimmerman (mother, deceased), Mr. Zimmerman (father)
Species: An Omega-bearer (a very rare species, even rarer than the normal 1% male omegas, is able to have children)
Powers/abilities: is able to get pregnant after the age of 21, can speak through the mind (telepathic) after he mates with Sherlock, and being born during a summer lunar eclipse…he is able to withstand extreme heat temperatures.
Preferred sexuality: homosexual
Weaknesses: claustrophobic, is very vulnerable after he gets pregnant, and can get quite emotional, w/o Sherlock around.
Helen Magnus: boss, mentor, and a motherly-type figure.
Ashley Magnus: a sisterly-type friend and protector
Henry Foss: a true friend, partner, and protector after he controls the beast inside him.
Sherlock Holmes: his "destined mate" after season one's Revelations.
Kate Freelander: a friend and a coworker
fandom: sanctuary