So for one week I am Single. No wife. No kid. No one to answer to. A free man…..
Let us list the pros and cons….
- I can sit in my living room nekkid….
- I can sit in my living room nekkid eating runts…..
- I can sit in my living room nekkid eating runts and watching cartoons…..
- I can sit in my living room nekkid eating runts and watching cartoons and scratch myself…..
- I can dedicate some time to my camera. I will be able to try some stuff that I haven’t had the time to do. Its hard to set up anything that would take some time when I have a 5 year old who wants to play…
- I have some free time to work on a few upgrades to my machines here at the house. Software and hardware. I just scored a buttload of 250G SATA drives and I want to rebuild a couple of my systems with them.
- I can go to a movie in a theater that I wanna see. And it doesn’t have to be Rated-G. Bourne Ultimatum came out, and I am itching to go…
- I can sleep all night without little knees in my back… Little feet kicking me in the head…. Little feet kicking me in the balls…. Actually be all the way on the king size bed that I usually only get twelve inches of….
- Whoa! I can watch PORN during the early evening on the TV!!!!!
- I can watch PORN during the early evening on the TV in my living room nekkid eating runts and scratch myself…..
- I can take a shower and not have to worry about anyone opening the doors and letting out all the steam from the bathroom. I hate it when I have got it all nice and hot in there and someone opens the door. Then when I get out of the shower, its like stepping into an icebox. Shrinkage! Dammit! That ceiling fan cause a might cold breeze….
- I am hoping some time apart will bring my wife and I closer together. Back to where we should be.
- I walked in the door and didn’t hear “DAAADEEEEEEE!!!!!!”
- I walked in the door and didn’t get an expected TackleHug( Copyright 2007 LadyJ )
- I walked in the door and didn’t even get a kiss from either my daughter or my wife.
- It has been a little less than twelve hours since I dropped them off a the airport. I have a little more than 7 days left until I pick them up. It was hard as hell for me not to go. I am wanting this time apart to bring my wife and I closer together. Back to where we should be.
- These runts just don’t taste as good as I expected for some reason.
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Taps V13.2