
Aug 02, 2007 15:00

This pregnancy, I guess, is really starting to get to me. I'm sitting here with an hour and a half to kill before work starts (my class that I came in early for was REALLY short...) and I'm just... exhausted. Oh - wait - maybe that has something to do with my son going to bed 2 hours earlier than usual and then waking up 2 hours earlier than usual, resulting in me getting 2 hours less sleep than usual. Yeah - that must be it.

But I am starting to get tired of lugging this weight around. I've only gained about 25 pounds, but it's getting harder to walk and I've got 2 more months to go (theoretically - if Hannah comes early like Tony did, I've got 1 more month to go... which is seriously freaking me out right now). Either way, thats 1-2 months of gaining weight and getting even more difficult to walk... Man I sound really wimpy right now... but, I am... Right now I feel tired and kind of depressed and whiney and I just want other people to take care of me. So Nyah.

Ok - I think I'm going to go find something else to waste half an hour on before work starts... Then I'll whine to my co-workers about not wanting to be here... they'll like that. :)

pregnancy, whining, lack of sleep

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