Sep 07, 2006 14:10
Hernandez: Are you getting hungry?.
Cohen: No, actually, I had a pretty big dinner. You?
Hernandez: I’m starved.
Cohen: You’re always starved…and there’s ball four…you know, they have really good food here at the ball park.
Hernandez: No…
Cohen: Would you like me to go out and get you something.
Hernandez: I’m gonna head over to the steak house after this…
Cohen: Because they have really good fajitas in the back.
Hernandez: …and I’m gonna order a bottle of wine, with my daughter, and my wife, and I’m gonna savor it, after this debacle of a game.
Cohen: Are you saying you haven’t enjoyed the quality of play tonight.
Hernandez: No I have not…but I will enjoy the quality of the red wine.
Cohen: Would you like to have tonight’s winning pitcher pick it out for you.
Hernandez: No no, I can pick it out myself.
Cohen: Okay, I just didn’t know if your wine picking credentials were up to snuff…nothing and one to Jose Valentin…a red or a white?
Hernandez: Oh a red, a big, hearty, heavy, spicy red, maybe a red zinfandel…my stomach is growling I’m so hungry.
Cohen: Wow, that’s out there…0-1 to Valentin, who’s 1-for-4 on the night…now, are you thinking rib-eye, or…
Hernandez: No, I never eat heavy at night…I may drink heavy, but I never eat heavy at night.
Cohen: Okay, thanks for sharing…see you in the morning…1-2 to Valentin…maybe have some shrimp…the Mets looking to tack on, they lead in the ninth.
Hernandez: (Sigh) Wait, there’s nobody out? (Sigh).
Cohen: You just noticed that? Oh boy.