Jul 09, 2006 21:57
So, nothing much new to update for me. Still stuck on jury duty, knee is healing right nicely, other than one minor setback which involved me getting my mouth partially busted open. I would be a shitty vampire, because the taste of blood turns my stomach. I'm still holding out hope that one day I will become a werewolf, as I've wanted since I was about 7. J-Hood got married Saturday, so I have to go exchange words with Nkosi, since he neglected to inform me of this.
My oldest brother and his wife headed back to St Louis this weekend to get her old condo (which they were renting) ready to be sold. I guess their money problems are mounting, because Dennis never wanted to sell any of their properties. My genius/dumbass nephew Justin got shot in the face with a roman candle and had to go to the hospital. He's doing ok now thank god. Justin is one of those kids who will drive you crazy. I am a very intelligent person, and I know flat out that Justin is smarter than me. He turns 14 this fall and he's already taking college credit courses (at my old college mind you) for the second year in a row. He scored higher than me on his SATs. The kid is flat out smart, and not nearly the booknerd that I am. But, he also does tons of stupid stuff that I would never do, such as engaging in a roman candle fight and getting shot in the face.
Apparently my "friend" Jeanie and I are no longer speaking, since she moved and has not answered or returned any of my calls in the last few weeks. I know she's talked to other people, and I'm pretty insulted about all of this. She started acting wierd before she moved, and now is just plain ignoring me. We'll see what happens the next time her other friends ditch her and she needs a shoulder to cry on. But, enough of me grumbling. All in all things have been going fairly well. Jury duty sucks, but I'm making the most of it, the other jurors and I tend to have a pretty good time and keep ourselves fairly relaxed through a fairly trying process. Soon hopefully I'll be able to actually TALK about the case.