"POPE Benedict XVI has proposed a new world political authority "with real teeth", possibly in place of the United Nations, to enforce an ethical financial order and end the global financial crisis."
This is from only one of several sources I found that the Pope has apparently issued a call for a global government to oversee bringing this world back from the edge of economic disaster. The encyclical was made on Tuesday, during you-know-who's you know what (I don't want
jakflak to have to put out a warrant for my execution by polar bear, so I won't mention the event) and released to the world yesterday - just before that big G8 meeting in Italy today.
The Scriptures tell us that a being called the False Prophet would cause every man, woman, and child to receive a "mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark..."
Keep watching the Eastern sky (and the alternate media sources)