Kelly, Sheena, Dale, Rob and everyone..... Thank you!!!
Considering what as said at the closing ceremonies this year, I thought these song lyrics seemed appropriate ^_^
Kei-Kon is something I look forward to every year. As soon as it's over, it's time to start anticipating the next one! Last year I had a wonderful time, and this year was no let down!
This years Kei-Kon was a little different for me because I was part of the staff. I was really glad I could be useful, since Kelly and Sheena and Dale and everyone put so much time into making Kei-Kon happen. I think they were much less stressed this year than last year, which is the way it should be. I still think they take too much on their own shoulders though ;) Kei-Kon may be your baby, guys, but remember it takes a whole community to raise a child!! (/end cliche)
Colin came down with one of his friends for the weekend, and Metta came over from Burnaby. It was a long trek, but she made it in once piece (despite my worrying... sorry Metta I can't help it). Jordan was there too, of course ;)
The opening ceremonies went really well. My video got a good response, so I was very pleased. And the dance was a lot of fun, especially when everyone was in a circle. What good are dance AMVs if you never dance to them!!
Saturday was great. After being on reg desk duty, I watched some Paradise Kiss and then caught the AMV competition. There were some pretty awesome videos. Some of the choices were very difficult. 3 hours of AMV goodness well spent.
Then Metta and I ran to the LRR panel. Both of us were so excited for it! It was really neat to see the whole crew there. They showed some cool clips and answered questions. I got a picture and Metta got autographs. I think they loved being celebrities!
After grabbing some food we watched the parodies. Kelly picked the best two!!! I was so happy. Nescaflowne and This is Otakudom were perfect. I love the atmosphere during the parodies. Even if I have seen them several times before, the atmosphere makes it worth going again. Fillerama had most of the classics as well, excpet I didn't see I'm a Cucumber this year!! Ah, a tradition lost.
On Sunday I slept in to recover a little, then finished getting ready for my panel. I did a panel on how to make AMVs using VirtualDubMod and Premiere. I think I got the basics across alright, but I had some difficulties because I couldn't see the screen so I was working blind. A bad angle plus horrible distance vision = bad!! But people afterwards said they learned something, so that's good. Unfortunaly I missed Metta competing in the Artist of Steel :( I got there just as it ended. Sorry Metta!
Next was the smackdown, which is always one of the highlights. Too bad we couldn't have it in the main room this year, but the FMA movie was playing. Everyone gets so passionate at the smackdown. It's like a matter of life or death as to which video wins. It's awesome. And then there's Kelly's ".... Utena!!" Haha. Odorikiruu lost the best in show.... Noooooo!!!! But then (I can't spell it..) Chiwawa ?? came out of nowhere and stole the show. Odorikirui will always be my Kei-Kon favourite, but Chiwawa is very well done, so I'm satisfied with that.
Next was closing ceremonies and many thank yous. Closing ceremonies is always sad. But it was a great weekend.
I dressed up as Nausicaa on Friday and as Yukino Miyazawa on Saturday. I think my Yukino costume actually turned out pretty well. People seemed to know who I was.
Thanks again to everyone for all their hard work!!