i gotta outta work ERLY tonight! i wondr why. i maen, 5 drinks isnt THAT bad or anything but hank hadta call
that girl to git me.
i think my spellign is a littl off. well i dont raelly no, i cant read anyways. i just preTEND i can. heheheh i had you all foiled by making yuo think i could READ!
why does she keep lookign at me? and whats with this weird little bunny-rabbit thinge? its meOOOWing. cats dont do that, bunnies do. i wondre if it eats grits! grits sound RAEL good right now, maybeh that girl will make some upl for me? WOOHOO!! GRITS!! DEAR GOD I LOVE GRITS!!
i nevr want to drink again. drinks maek y stomach hurt. thast the last time i ever listn
the guy who looks leik.. that guy wiht a gotee again. OH! did yuo know he's thinner now? befor he was liek.. BIG but now hes like... SMALL. he could probly fit into a pink dress if he ever wanted to.
mmm, i need sleep. well thats what the girl is telling eme.