Hurry up and wait

Apr 16, 2007 18:01

I rushed out of work at 1:15 because we got a last minute appointment with the ENT. The idea was to get Cassie in and see if HE can pull some strings to get her CT and Bronch moved up to this week. The answer is no. He did, however, confirm that Cassie has a ton of thick green yellow mucus draining down the back of her throat and nose. He said she definitely looks like she has chronic sinitus. Not anything I didn't know already after last week - but gee thanks for the affirmation. He seems to think waiting till Tuesday for the double procedure isn't a big deal. I disagree, as does Cassie's pulmo. However, nothing is available earlier schedule-wise so we just get to wait. So more of the same for now. Continue with all 13 of her meds, keep her treatments at the hellacious schedule of 4 a day and pray that nothing breeds in her lungs or sinuses in the mean time. Mind you - next Tuesday is a diagnostic thing. Even then they'll be diagnosing something and forming a plan of attack from that. The actual treatment will remain to be scheduled. I think no matter what, Cassie is headed for surgery. It'll either end up being IVs to treat a lung/sinus infection or simply sinus surgery to clear out her sinuses.

Oh and er for the parents out there ... the Pocket Snails learning series is just ... weird. Cassie is watching the letters DVD right now as she does her extra treatments.

I have new version of Cadberry written. yaaresse, do you have time to take a quick look and give me your thoughts? It's realllllllly short - I promise, LOL. I was really happy with the old version, the new one is okay - I want to make sure that it stands on its own and is decent before I have the artist start on this set of images.

doctor, health, cf, cadberry, cystic fibrosis, cassidy

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