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Sep 02, 2006 21:39

boy, it's been a whiiiile :]

last friday (not yesterday)i had to babysit then i had some Congress meeting from 1-6 before the first football game. but i was late cuz our house was like gonna blow up. but the meeting was pretty boring, then we made signs for the football extravaganza,then me emily alex olompia india and nick went to senate. alex spilled his big glass of water all over my lap haha and we got back at 6 for the game and had to waste an hour walking around cuz we already payed to get in. bugs were all over the place and we won:D

last saturday (not today) i ended up not going to alleah's b-day party cuz there'd be like a million ROTC poeple there =/. but we had that movie night thing with the projector on the garage in the backyard. pam nick and sara came, shannon couldn't. we watched The Ringer <3 and Without a Paddle :D.

on sunday had church and was sposed to watch the little three yr olds but me and the lady i work with got it screwed up and we were in the wrong place or what not, not my fault haha. pretty much just watched movies the rest of teh day cuz i was too tired. then me and pam went running after dinner. made brownies, her bird attacked me, were gonna make purses but then ended up just goofing around with the fabric instead. and we watched pam's baby movies :].

monday was sposed to have pole vault. i got there, and no one else was there. so i went home and layed down then took a shower and went to get my schedule with nikki in the rain. after we went back to her house to watch the Kyle XY finaleeeeeee. I LOVE THE RAIIIIIN

tuesday was the first day of segment 2 at stevenson, finally!

then wednesday i layed out until it got cloudy, actually didn't have to babysit, went to the tennis match against ladywood for a little and after ran into Nine and Jamaica haha. Chris (nine) broke his hand i guess? and Jamaica (i don't actually know his real name) was asked to start a guys gymnastics team at franklin! but no

on thursday nikki helped me with paper route, last day of DE and the dude got pissed cuz people were late and cuz this one girl had an attitude prob...got out at 8. then walked right to the field for the fhs shs football game. got there right when they were comin out of locker room for second half. LOST Ö and i was mad!!

FINALLY, yesterday i had to babysit from 8:30-3:30 then had to rush home and get ready so kristin could take me and pam to 12 oaks, she ended up being late for work and i felt bad. but then nikki spent the night cuz i was way too scared to stay here by myself. then we woke up at 6am and i had to walk to school at 6:45 to work the U of M concessions. busy as hell and i only got to watch teh third quarter :(. but we won! 27-7 it was fun

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