(no subject)

Feb 22, 2005 00:21

hey all! well, to update anyone that really cared, my grandpa is doing a lot better. he was in the hospital before, then they moved him to a nursing home, in which he was there for a week and then was sent home. so, he is doing loads better, he is pretty much back to normal which is awesome. i think the doctors are saying he has the beginning stages of alzheimer's, but he is quite late in his years... and i dont think that will really be a problem fom him. kinda a sad thing to think of, but its life. c'est la vie, as they say in france.

onto another subject!! well, kinda, i was in illinois all last week as a kinda spur of the moment trip to my grandparents house, we decided that grandma needed some support, and boy am i glad we went. she needed people there to talk to. so i stayed for the week and just hung out with her and my grandpa, and i think it made everyone feel better. ok, really onto another subject.

i saw "constantine" today with my dad and brother. ya know, i thought it would be another version of the matrix, cuz it is keanu reeves, just with like demons or something (i hate the matrix btw, so stupid) but i actually like this movie. it was very different. (AP you wouldnt like it, there are a million things in there that make you jump, they try to make it scary without it being a scary movie if that makes sense.) but, Gavin Rossdale (former lead singer of bush) was in the movie, so of course i had to go see it!! he was my man FOREVER, and he is still totally hot. he didnt have that big of a part tho :( the idea of the movie is i guess unique, not like a lot of movies that are out now or have been lately so maybe thats why i liked it, i dunno. so yeah, thats that.

umm there was something else i wanted to say but i have no idea what...hmmm... well, this isnt it, but i got my diploma this past week from the U!!! YAY!!! i'm officially a graduate of college!! LMAO well i think thats all i have to say for this update, be back soon (hopefully lol) BYE.

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