Nov 11, 2010 13:43
Hmm... does anyone even post on LJ anymore? Since facebook and twitter took over it seems that LJ is practically dying- that's why I almost forgot that I had an account. Does anyone even bother to read these anymore? I don't know. But- for old time's sake...
I've been doing a lot of thinking about the time I've spent in Ann Arbor and just about how truly awesome a place it is! I've grown very attached to this town, and though I still get mail delivered at my parents' home because I've moved so much I feel like I can consider myself an Ann Arbor-ite. I'm passionate about the people here, about the University, and the overall learning that takes place (and sports!). I've met some amazing people and though some of them have since moved out of state, I've continued to make new friends and strengthen current friendships. I also feel that the people I've met, lived with, gone to church with, and even read about in the Michigan Daily have influenced me in a great way. I know that going to Grad school was the best thing for me- not only allowing me to grow up and become more "cultured" or what have you, but living, working, going to school in a place like A2 has changed me in a sense- really opened up my mind.
Though I have always tried to accept others' thoughts, lifestyles, actions, and beliefs- actually being in an environment that is so diverse, intellectual, and socially liberal has broadened my horizons even more. I love living in a place with all walks of life- (to say the least!) there's a little bit of everything here and you can't truly savor it until you have actually been around for a while. Spending a day at the Big House or tailgating in the nearby vicinity is still a blast I must say, but there is no experience like being a student here, and working with, living with the people that make up this town.
Perhaps I'm so nostalgic about my home now because I will be leaving it soon- not to go far, but to again enter a new place where I know few people and don't know my way around at all. Starting over is hard, especially because I've grown so comfortable here. A new job will be great too, and I look forward to it- though it will be sad not seeing the faces and landmarks I've grown accustomed to on a daily basis.
Maybe I'll adjust ok to Lansing, surely I'll meet new people, but I must say that there really, definitely is no place like Ann Arbor, the Big House or the University of Michigan.