Apr 25, 2008 13:52
So today is a grading day at my school so i supposedly have the day off though i had to be up there at 7:45 to take a practice APUSH test that is about three and a half hours long! Holy cow, what a hard test, if college test are like that i really need to pick up my pace. :| not a very good thing for me! But it was just really interesting how everything has become so standardized. "if you do this you get an A, do this it is a B, and you better not do anything below that!" you start to wonder if you should all be in a line with the same hair cut, same nose, same bellybutton, not able to talk unless everyone around you has the same questions? It just stinks that we have such a cool class to learn the content and the apex of the WHOLE class is this test where you may not even be allowed food! It just seems funny how strict the rules on knowledge are, shouldn't it be more free, more set to interpretation because that's what makes me me and you you? OH well, no need to change it, i heard they already did a study on this and no one passed That standardized test! :) (that's a joke by the way) anyhow, i am just frustrated how unfree i feel there. Maybe someday it will be not like that? oh well!
life or something like it...