rainboots-wearing OCN

Oct 24, 2007 07:14

i'm wearing rainboots at the moment. don't be jealous. sure it's not going to rain inside, but i like to be prepared for anything.

i almost got supercreamed in the parking lot at starbucks this morning. i pulled into a parking space (and not even badly, i was perfectly in between the lines), when the SUV next to me starts pulling out. but starts pulling out at an angle. so now i'm watching as the car is getting ready to smash into mine, and i'm clutching the steering wheel and bracing myself for the smash, when the SUV stops. it stops so close to my car that i am surprised it didn't make contact, but the driver had realized there was a car there. which was wonderful, because other than freezing in the headlights, i really had no where i could go to avoid the onslaught. aaand it would have been on the same side that got smashed a few months ago. thank goodness the other person noticed. getting into an accident in a parking lot (while at a standstill no less) before having coffee might not be the best way to start a day. makes for a good story though.

yesterday i got into a religious debate of sorts with a guy from work. i'm not sure how it happened or why, but he was telling me about a reverend who worked here. i didn't think reverends did work except for the whole church thing. apparently they can be quality assurance techs. or QA techs, if your down with the lingo. so this started on a conversation about the bible and the creation story and all this other stuff. peoples' views of religion never cease to be informative. it's amazing how many different views you can have on one subject. such an ubergrey issue.

you know your obsessive compulsive nature reaches new heights when you see the work of a parent, in their absence, in a hospital no less, and rearrange it. now, normally i do this at home (you know, when they are not around, like on vacation, so you can pretend for a minute you live in order and not chaos). i was visiting my grandmother at shaughnessy, and the little cabinet next to her bed was overflowing with various feel-better type items, and i had to rearrange it because it was driving me batty. because my theory is this. if i can't find something i'm looking for in 60 seconds, i will pull the entire thing apart and arrange it neatly so that next time i will be able to find it. i don't even remember what i was looking for at the moment, but i know it ended with me cleaning it. maybe when my mom goes today she'll notice. though she won't suspect me. but i'm ok with that. i'm like a stealth straightener. an OCN if you will (oh yeah, i used an acronym for obsessive-compulsive ninja. can you even imagine that? THAT's a tv show i would watch).

oh. and the only thing worse than star trek fucking up my game (which has since been returned to its regularly scheduled programming, so yay)? boxing. one hour of CSI was not enough of a fix. grissom wielding a gun was all i got last night. how is it that an individual can look hot pointing a gun at someone? that seems like it should be an issue. for him and myself. a man should not look so damn good holding a firearm. i should not think thoughts like that. it just seems wrong to me.
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