(no subject)

Jun 11, 2006 22:25

-so - who's responsible - whose mess is this - point
the finger press the button electrify the current
burn the book eh who is to blame? shoot the
young generation - make them bleed jus' as they
cause bleeding - what about the bible - koran -
national ssservice - the birch - bring back hanging -
let them have it - have it; what about the rich fat
bastards who make all the decisions all the rights
and wrongs who starts the wars who sells the drugs
who burns the crosses who jacks off to internetted
[porn] it all starts somewhere - it'll all end nowhere -
education is not just something we did at school -
violence exists we did not stab first - hate is
apparent we did not hate first - don't think we
don't know who is guilty - we may seem apathetic
hate too much care too little don't appreciate
anything lost and arrogant to you - yeah - this is
true - we are so far apart cut adrift in an ocean of
needles morphine and vodka but prozac ain't no
bandage to this much blood -
can't you see you've created this us i me you us created this
fucking fracture of history - arbeit macht frei - work
makes you free - we are covered in your blood - we
came we saw - we died
- we we are your critical mirror - look and look
deep - we know you know we know -

I've read it on the plane back home, and then again today. I'm still not sure what is it exactly that breaks my heart about it. I like Patrick Jones' writing and I'm not even sure if it's because of the manics, despite of the manics, or entirely unrelated to the manics. Does it matter?

bleeding. came easier than ever before. it's been long..
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