Candle to the Devil / Chapter 11

Mar 02, 2014 19:09

Title: Candle to the Devil / Chapter 11

Author: Mamihlapinatapei/twoglances

Pairings: TaoRis, KaiSoo, HunHan, ChenMin, SuLay, BaekYeol

Rating: R

Genre: action, VIctorian era/ steampunk au

Summary: A horrifying sickness has forced the world’s survivors to live in cloistered, protected cities. But the cities begin to collapse mysteriously from within. With threats appearing from all sides, in the center of England's hold on the East, a group of unlikely companions form.

Jongin threw his arms out wide, gesturing to the restaurant. “What is the point in saving up and letting it rot? Live a little, Doctor Do. I assure you, it’s exhilarating.”

Kyungsoo didn’t think debtor’s prison sounded very exhilarating, but he’d keep his opinions to himself. And Jongin, despite his apparent penchant for spending, did not seem in dire need of the necessities in life. He was well fed, well dressed, and well-learned. That was more than half of Hanseong could say for themselves.

author: t, fanwork: fanfiction, genre: au, rating: r, length: chaptered

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