May 13, 2005 21:43
It comes to me in a wave of melancholy majesty. Supreme in its form but graceful in all aspects. Slowly consuming from the inside out like a poison. Eating away at it until it consumes all. Reflections of dreams long past and wishes never granted. Peeling away the layers of paint, just to see the cracks. The light bleeds outwards from the world behind this wall. Warm and comforting but at the same time showing you the world you cannot have. Glimpses of the smiles of those who pass by. Trapped within this room. You scream but no sound. You pray to every god you have ever forsaken to relieve you of this pain for your zealous praise. None answer....they never have. Why would they...? You are forsaken to the world in which you built around you. The walls that once protected you now your prison from the world. You scratch until your nails are peeled away and your fingers raw and bleeding. Your tears like everything within this world falls silent. Never to be heard, never to be known, only to be felt. The darkness it creeps moving slowly towards those cracks. Slowly sealing away that warmth you worked so hard to obtain. The shivers of those whispers within your head set in. Trapped by you own will, but forever regretting the action. Live with the pages you have written. Stay within the world you have created...your world...void of light.