Sep 14, 2009 10:43
So I kept wondering why my Cosworx order hadn't arrived, and I go check my emails to see about a tracking number. Apparently, they're using UPS ground, which means my order won't be here until...
So now I have to 1) hope it gets here by 2PM so I can still leave early for AWA 2) hope it gets here by 3PM so I can leave normal-ish 3) hope it gets here by 7PM so I can at least get there on Thursday 4) hope it DOESN'T get delayed.
If it looks like it'll be delayed a day, which I really hope it's not, flist of AWA goers, I might ask of you wig-favors :|. BE AWARE.
Why is my life one big OHSHIT!moment?
Oh, right, the constant procrastination might explain alot.
anime weekend atlanta,