Scientific Progress Goes "Ahh! It Burns!"

Jun 17, 2005 08:49

Yesterday I got turned on to the use of capsaicin as a pain-reliever. After consulting the pharmacist on duty, I decided to extract some from the big bowl of hot chili peppers in my parents' kitchen.
Way bad idea.
Concentrated hot pepper oil is a real bitch to get off of one's skin, and an even bigger bitch on the sensitive bits of one's anatomy. I got a little around my lips, on my gums, on my fingers, and just a smidge on my eyes (this from just dipping the tip of my finger in it to taste).
Seriously, the shit spreads like mad. My hands feel like they've been plunged into a bucket of tiger balm.
I should probably get some rubber gloves before I go any further with this. And I should definitely dilute the solution significantly.
My garden looks like a tornado hit it. I think some sort of varmint has eaten the leaves of a few of my pumpkin sprouts, and the spaghetti squash I planted several days ago is looking quite sad indeed.
I've had a toothache for the past several days, but the "good" news is that it's probably not due to poor dental hygiene, but rather to an excess buildup of sinus pressure pushing down on the root. So, I hopefully won't need a trip to the dentist, but I might need to go to the doctor for what could develop into a sinus infection. I'm downing garlic and pseudoephedrine like crazy to avoid this eventuality.
Tomorrow I'll be helping Oil Can and Kendra move into The Farm in Boxford. The past few days I've been giving Kendra a hand with moving furniture and wiping saw dust off of the walls, and I've been growing more and more envious of their upcoming living situation.
I've got some Barnes & Noble gift cards, and I'm still trying to decide on what to use them for. The likely candidate is a pair of Betty Boop DVDs that guest star Cab Calloway and Louis Armstrong. What can I say? I love old-timey things. Recommendations, however, are always welcome.
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