Mar 11, 2007 21:40

So I saw 300 yesterday.

It was awesome! Hell, awesome isn't even a suitable description for it.

Sure, it was violent. But it's a war movie. And the Battle of Thermopylae was the single most awesome battle ever. The cinematography was excellent. It's a lot of CGI, but the artistry of the stop-and-go fight sequences makes them more epic and intense. It's a guy movie, I'll admit. The violence is the main driving factor of the movie. But, unlike many movies, the violence is not unnecessary. It conveys the lengths that the Spartans were willing to go to defend their homes, and the cruel ruthlessness of the Persian Army.

It's a point -of -view movie too, which a lot of people aren't getting. The Persians are depicted as barbaric, savage people, which is historically untrue, but from the Spartan point-of-view, that's what they were. There are people calling it "racist". But that's because the narrative alliance is with the Spartans. Ugh!

I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys the elements of total badassery.
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